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Trading for suppliers
Amending an invoice
Please contact your trading partner as each trading community has different business rules.
Getting orders into or out of an ERP system or accounting package
If you don't want to hand key orders into your ERP system or accounting package, you can choose to implement EDI, or electronic data interchange. This w...
Sending multiple invoices for one purchase order
If your customer allows multiple invoices to be sent for one purchase order: Accept the purchase order as usual Click invoice Complete the details, incl...
Sending an invoice
You will need to be a Super Administrator or Seller to do this. If you're sending an invoice that's not related to a purchase order, view this arti...
Receiving a purchase order (PO)
You’ll receive an email notification when your organisation receives a purchase order. If you don’t receive an email or can’t see an order you know your ...
Creating a purchase order response (POR)
You will need to be a Super Administrator or Seller to do this. Depending on the requirements of your trading partner, you may not be required to send a...
Creating a despatch advice (DA)
You will need to be a Super Administrator or a Seller to do this. Find the order you want to despatch by clicking the link in the email, or the notifica...
Sending an e-invoice
If you're sending an invoice in response to a purchase order received through Colladium, have a look at this article. This article is for organisatio...
Coles accreditation testing for Colladium (web)forms users
Accreditation testing Before you can move to B2B scan receiving and electronic invoicing you must pass a comprehensive program known as 'Coles accredit...
Trading with Statewide Independent Wholesalers (SIW)
First, Join Colladium and join the Statewide Independent Wholesalers community If you're brand new to Colladium, see how to do that here. If you'...