This article answers some of the questions Aldi asks its suppliers in the OpenText portal before testing. These answers are only for those using Colladium.

Task number
Task 1
Classic EDI or web EDI?
Classic EDI (even if you're using Colladium)
Task 4
PO change or cancellation?
Task 5

EDI connectivity type required


- AS2 (Binary)

- SFTP (Business Partner Initiated)

- X400

Choose 'VAN' and if they ask who the VAN is, enter 'MessageXchange'
Task 5
ALDI/HOFER Error Notifications

ALDI/HOFER will check EDI messages are confirming to the ALDFI/HOFER EDI message implementation guidelines and provide the business partner error notification via E-Mail. The EDI message error notifications are important to the business partner and require action. If the EDI message contains a hard error, the message will be rejected by OpenText and not be forwarded to ALDI/HOFER. In this case, the business partner is required to update the EDI message and to resend it.

Please enter an E-Mail below to confirm where ALDI/HOFER should send error notifications for TEST EDI messages to:*
Please ensure you put Colladium support's email address in here: [email protected]. If you would like to put your email address in too, please use a comma to separate the email addresses.
Task 5
Please enter an E-Mail address into below box to confirm where the error notification or productive / LIVE EDI messages should be sent to:

NOTE: For error notifications for productive / LIVE EDI messages, please use a group E-Mail address instead of an individual person.*

Please ensure you put Colladium support's email address in here: [email protected]. If you would like to put your email address in too, please use a comma to separate the email addresses.

Please provide the receiver GLN/DUNS/ZZ code which needs to be used by ALDI?HOFER un the UNB segment when sending EDI messages to the business partner. The GLN/DUNS/ZZ code can also be the identification of your EWDI service providers.

Example: UNB+UNOC:3+4099200007502:14+50135456001238:14+140926:0845+1++ORDERS+++EANCOM'

Receiver identification code (GLN/DUNS/ZZ) used in UNB segment for Productive/LIVE EDI messages:
This should be your GLN. If you don’t know what yours is, you can contact GS1 Australia, who issue these numbers.


Note: If you’ve got barcodes on your products, you probably use GLNs. They usually start with 93 or 94. Your GLN is different from your barcode (GTIN), so contact GS1 if you don’t know what yours is.

Please select the receiver identification code qualifier, which is linked to the identification code (GLN/DUNS/ZZ) above and will be used by the business partner in the UNB segment (highlighted in RED):

Example: UNB+UNOC:3+4099200007502:14+50135456001238:14+140926:0845+1++ORDERS+++EANCOM'

Receiver identification code qualifier used in UNB for Productive/LIVE EDI messages:

Options: 14, 1, ZZZ


Please provide the receiver GLN/DUNS/ZZ code which needs to be used in the NAD.C082.3039 segment (highlighted in RED) when sending EDI messages to the business partner. The GLN/DUNS/ZZ code can also be the identification value of your EDI service provide.

For suppliers, the identification code is used in the NAD+SU segment and for logistics service providers in the NAD+CA segment.
Only exception: In the freight status update message, the identification code is used in the NAD+FW segment.
In the freight status update and the freight invoice message, the identification code is used in the NAD+FW segment.

Example: NAD+SU+5014321000002::9'

Receiver identification code (GLN/DUNS/ZZ) used in NAD.C082.3039 segment for Productive/LIVE EDI messages:
This should be your GLN. If you don’t know what yours is, you can contact GS1 Australia, who issue these numbers.

The standard encoding for UNOC is Latin-1 (SIO 8859-2 -ANSI). However, UTF-8 (10646 – 1) is also frequently used. Different encodings can lead to encoding errors during the message processing (e.g. due to special characters). 

Please specify the file encoding, which is used for Productive/LIVE EDI Messages:



- Latin-1 (ISO 8859-2 – ANSI) is used as file encoding

- UTF-8 (10646 – 1) is used as file encoding

UTF-8 (10646 – 1) is used as file encoding

Please select the receiver identification code qualifier, which is linked to the identification code (GLN/DUNS/ZZ) above and will be used by the business partner in the NAD segment (NAD.C082.3055) which is highlighted RED:


Example: NAD+SU+50143211000002:: 9'Receiver identification code qualifier used in NAD.C082.3055 segment for Product/LIVE EDI messages:


Options: 9, 16, ZZZ


Please confirm that GLN used for production will receive production data?Yes

Please confirm if the sender GLN/DUNS/ZZ code which need to be used the business partner in the UNB segment when sending EDI messages to ALDI/HOFER will be the same as the receiver. Will the sender identification code (GLN/DUNS/ZZ) be the same as the receiver identification code:Yes

As part of the EDI partner, onboarding process, ALDI/HOFER plans to exchange TEST EDI messages with all business partners.

Will the business partner use a dedicated test connection, and test identification codes for the exchange of TEST EDI messages? Should you select 'Yes' to the below question you will be able to enter your TEST EDI information in Task 6C. Otherwise you will be forwarded directly to Task 6B.

No our company will use the production environment for the exchange of EDI test messages

TEST EDI messages from ALDI/HOFER will always contain a test flag in the UNB/0035 segment. It is the responsibility of the business partner to ensure that test messages can be identified, and will not trigger any processes in your production environment.Yes, test messages will look something like this:

If production and test details are the same, test messages sent by ALDI must be identified as such on business partner side. Do not send goods based on test messages, even if they were received in the production environment.Yes I understand

Please provide the name of your VAN network used by your EDI platform to receive and send Production EDI data to ALDI/HOFER:
NOTE: For Example TGMS / Inviosworks

Please confirm your VAN mailbox number
NOTE: For example 1A2B or AMR12345
Answer should be: ADW28200

Does your company use a pre production van connection?No