What is STP Phase 2?

In the 2019–20 Budget, the Government announced that Single Touch Payroll (STP) would be expanded to include additional information. This expansion of STP (also known as STP Phase 2) will reduce the reporting burden for employers who need to report information about their employees to multiple government agencies. It will also help Services Australia’s customers, who may be your employees, get the right payment at the right time. It also supports the administration of the social security system.

When does STP Phase 2 (version 2020) start?

The mandatory start date for STP Phase 2 reporting will be 1 January 2022.

When will I be able to start sending STP Phase 2 (version 2020) file on Colladium?

We're aiming at getting this feature ready by the 10th of November.

How will I send the STP Phase 2 (version 2020) file?

When you are submitting your Single Touch Payroll file, just select '2020' from the drop-down menu under 'version' on the submission page. Fill in all the other information and upload your STP file as usual. That's it! You're good to hit submit.

When should I start sending STP phase 2 (2020 version) files?

Your software provider should let you know when you're ready to start using it. If you have any questions, just get in touch with your software provider.

Where can I get more information?

For more information on STP Phase 2 (version 2020) just click here or contact your software provider.

For questions related to Colladium, contact our support team at [email protected]