Member categories allow you to communicate with different segments of your community more efficiently.
You must be a Super Administrator, Community Administrator or a Member Administrator to do this.
Create a member category
- Navigate to your community by hovering over the communities icon in the top menu, and selecting your community under owned communities
- Expand community settings > member settings and select member categories
- Enter a name for this category, or click add another
- Save
Assign the category to a member
- Under community settings > member settings > members, edit a member by clicking on that member’s access type
- Select a category to assign and save changes.
Add a document, event or notice
- Click on the type of content you want to add in the menu on the left
- Click new
- Fill out the details and select the category this content is for (Note: This can only be used if it’s not a ‘public’ post).
- This content will only be seen by members with that category.