The partial status means you have met your reporting obligation for the reporting period.
The partial status means:
- At least one employee in that file was processed successfully and
- At least one employee in that file was not processed successfully.
Finding the employee(s) with errors
From your STP submission listing screen, click view errors (in the notes column) on the line with the partial status.
The table will show you the error and help you identify the employee:
- If you had uploaded a CSV, you will see the Line_ID in the reference column for the employee with errors.
- If you had uploaded an XML, you will see the Record Delimiter DocumentID, which you can match with the XML file you uploaded, in the reference column.
You can click on the line to expand it if there is more information to be seen.
What do you need to do?
If you'll do another pay run for the employee(s) with an error, you don't have to do anything else for this submission. The error just needs to be rectified in time for your next pay run. If the root cause is invalid master data, you should correct the data in your payroll software. Otherwise we suggest contacting your software provider if you're unsure what's triggering the issue.
If you won't be processing another pay run for this employee, then you can update the data and send an update file.